This guys name is Walid Shoebat.  He claims he is an ex-terrorist.  To my knowledge, when he first came public after converting to christianity, the American Media immediately denounced his story as "made up" and even called him a "liar".  Shoebat claims while he was a terrorist he was actually as he called it "in basement plotting against us". He claimed he made this transition to Christianity due to feelings of tremendous guilt, after bombing a bank over seas. So since this guy currently lives in America, and is trying help us fight the terrorist, why aren't we listing to this guy? After all he is publicly claiming he was a terrorist. Again why isn't this guy on mainstream every evening? After all from the recent CSPAN terror hearings we know terrorist have crossed the boarder from Mexico, and are using our OWN mosques as terror recruitment centers....right?  We also realize must realize that terrorism is spreading at an alarming rate in the middle east.  So again, WHY WILL WE NOT LISTEN TO HIM?  I SMELL GOV'T B.S.

HIS SITE IS www.shoebat.com